Saturday, December 28, 2019
Corrie Ten Boom and Forgiveness - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1143 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/07/03 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Forgiveness Essay Did you like this example? Corrie ten Boom is someone who used her faith to do extraordinary things for others. I found her to be a very admirable person through her numerous courageous acts. Throughout World War II, Corrie ten Boom did what many others were not brave enough or willing to do and sacrificed her own safety in order to help others around her. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Corrie Ten Boom and Forgiveness" essay for you Create order She changed many lives forever and her selfless acts should not be forgotten. I admire Corrie ten Boom for her courage and commitment to serving others through her faith during difficult times. Corrie ten Boom used her faith as motivation to help others in need. Boom had what seemed like a normal, quiet life in her early years. She grew up in a Christian family and lived in the Netherlands throughout her life (Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch savior, n.d.). Boom was born into a family of Dutch watchmakers and she also became a watchmaker later in her life (Corrie ten Boom, 2015). Along with her family, Boom was able to live a very comfortable and stable life in the Netherlands, yet she continued to strive for more by helping others. Boom and her family were encouraged by their faith to provide food, money, and sometimes even shelter to those in need (Corrie ten Boom, 2015). Boom was not required to assist those around her, but she felt compelled by her faith to do so. A very important aspect of Booms background is that she lived through World War II and witnessed the Nazis terrible treatment of the Jews (Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch savior, n.d.). While others were fleeing and many were too frightened to resist the Nazi regime, Boom and her family did something truly amazing. When the Nazis began to raid the Netherlands, Boom decided that she could not watch what was going on around her and do nothing. She used her familys home as refuge for Jews who were being hunted by Nazis and allowed them to hide in a closet for shelter (Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch savior, n.d.). Unfortunately, Boom was found out by the Nazis and taken to a concentration camp with her family where they later died before Boom was released for unknown reasons (Corrie ten Boom, 2015). Corrie ten Boom lived through a very important time in history and she was brave enough to save numerous lives while risking her own safety. Corrie ten Booms faith inspired her to perform many brave and selfless acts throughout her life. Boom had to make a significant choice while the Jews were being persecuted in the Netherlands and as a Christian, Boom felt compelled to be more than just a bystander. Selflessness is a crucial component of being a Christian and it is taught to be as selfless as God was when he gave up his only son. In the Bible, John 3:16 says For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (New King James Version). Boom displayed this same selflessness when she decided to help the Jews who were being persecuted around her. Her Christian faith not only encouraged her to help those around her, but it also taught her the importance of forgiveness. Forgiveness is also a key concept that is taught in Christianity. The Bible encourages Christians to forgive others who have wronged them; For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive you (Matthew 6:14-15 New King James Version). Years after World War II ended, this verse played a crucial part in Booms life. As she traveled around Germany and taught others about Christianity, she came face to face with a man who she remembered to be one of the most ruthless guards in the concentration camp she and her family were placed in (Forgiveness†Corrie Meets Guard). It was at this time that as a Christian, Boom had a very difficult decision to make. As the guard asked Boom for her forgiveness, images of her sisters death flashed in her mind and she struggled with what to do (Forgiveness†Corrie Meets Guard). While it would have been much easier to continue blaming the guard for what happened to her sister, Boom knew that she must forgive him as she was taught in Matthew 6:14-15 (Forgiveness†Corrie Meets Guard). Through her faith, Boom learned how to be like Jesus and forgive those who hurt her, even when they did not deserve it. Corrie ten Boom displayed a great deal of courage and love throughout her life. I admire what she decided to do for the Jews around her because she could have sat by and watched out of fear, like many others did during World War II. Instead, Boom used her faith as her motivation to perform selfless acts, such as opening her home to the Jews. By sacrificing she and her familys safety, she was able to change the lives of numerous people by saving them. This would be a difficult decision for anyone to make and Boom was very brave for doing this. She also displayed an immense strength when she forgave the guard that was present at her concentration camp. For many, it would have been much easier to dismiss him and continue holding a grudge. But because of her faith, Boom was able to grant him the forgiveness that he requested. After the war was over, she continued to help others as she traveled and taught about Christianity. I believe Boom displayed a great example of what it means to be a Christian and she showed others how to make a difference in the lives of those around them. Boom led by example of her faith and by doing this, she made a monumental impact on the world around her. Corrie ten Boom was an inspiratio n for others during World War II. She sacrificed her own freedom in an effort to save others who were being persecuted by the Nazis. She also had to find it in herself to forgive someone who did not necessarily deserve her forgiveness. She performed these courageous acts all while staying true to herself and her faith. Boom made an enormous impact on those around her and those she shared her faith with. Boom turned to her Christian faith during difficult times and this allowed her to save the lives of others and find it in her heart to forgive a Nazi guard. References Corrie ten Boom. (2015, April 08). Retrieved April 11, 2018, from Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch savior. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2018, from ForgivenessCorrie Meets Guard. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2018, from
Friday, December 20, 2019
Martin Luther And The Protestant Reformation - 1349 Words
Over the course of history, there have been many of times where people have tried to fix things that were wrong by going back to what it once was. These people were for the people and wanted all of their ideas and actions to benefit all of mankind. A prime example of a person to fix by amendment is Martin Luther. In the early 15th century, the Catholic Church was under siege from criticism based off of corruptions and Catholic wrongdoings; this time in history was known as the Protestant Reformation. The main catalyst in this revolution was none other than Martin Luther. Although Martin Luther sparked rebellion and a revolution, he , himself, was a reactionary reformer in how he wanted to restore the church into what it once was. Martin†¦show more content†¦Another key detail is when Cardinal Cajetan also said that the bible is not for everyday people and that the Pope’s interpretation is what is in God’s favor. The Cardinal’s argument, although is accep ted, should not be and it goes strictly against God’s will for humanity and the Christian religion. The scriptures were created by God in order for all to read and have their own interpretation on it. Luther believed in giving the common man the scriptures and leaving the word of God up to interpretation to whoever reads from them, which shows he wants to go back to where the people could read the word of God. Luther viewed all people as their own priests, as they journey through scriptures forming interpretations on their own conscience. The Cardinal only strengthens Luther’s point in that the catholic church is corrupt and Luther is trying to turn back time and relive the true days of Christianity. Also showing Luther was a reactionary, Luther did not want to let the church take away the freedoms of christians that were clearly stated in scriptures. Luther stated that he would not recant his ideas and works unless he could be proven wrong by the word of God alone, no t by the Pope and other religious authorities. Many church officials openly admitted that most of his works are from scripture and by recanting these works, Luther would be recanting the word of God through the scriptures themselves. If Luther wereShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther And The Protestant Reformation1879 Words  | 8 PagesMartin Luther was not only one of the most significant figures in the Protestant Reformation, but he also developed his own denomination of followers. While many say that Luther was breaking away from the Catholic Church to establish a rival church, yet Luther challenged the authority of the church quietly. His arguments did not focus the attention on himself, but wholly on God. Martin Luther is considered the initiator of the Protestant Reformation as he realized the corruption in the Catholic ChurchRead MoreMartin Luther And The Protestant Reformation1608 Words  | 7 PagesThe first step of the Protestant Reformation was carried out by a monk calle d Martin Luther to adjust the unfairness of the Catholic Church. He believed that the Christian faith was a simple religion, misrepresented on account of inadequate papal authority. Like the Roman Empire the Church had broadened its territorial domain and bureaucratic function. The moral authority of the church was corrupted because of its tainted clerical practices. In his Ninety-Five Theses, Martin mainly targeted the doctrineRead MoreMartin Luther And The Protestant Reformation1326 Words  | 6 PagesThus the Religious Reformation period was the most important time because new religions were formed and the RCC had all the power. Indeed supporters of the Reformation Religions believe that this time had the biggest impact because during this time new religions were created and millions changed faith. In his text â€Å"Martin Luther†the author argues that â€Å"Martin Luther as a Christian theologist and Augustinian monk whose teachings inspired the Protestant Reformation†. Martin Luther was the spark forRead MoreMartin Luther And The Reformation Of The Protestant Reformation Essay1699 Words  | 7 PagesMartin Luther became one of the most influential figures in Christian history. He began the protestant reformation in the 16th century. He also called into question some of the basic tenets of Roman Catholicism and eventually his followers soon split from the Roman Catholic Church to become protestant. He was known to be a very controversial man not just for his writing of the ninety five thesis but for others and in his later years his feeling about the Jews. His teaching of the bible is wh at leadRead MoreMartin Luther And The Protestant Reformation Essay2089 Words  | 9 Pages1517, as the initial rise of early reform movements. It was the day Martin Luther had encrypted his floating thoughts of early reformation onto paper, with the help of the printing press. Many others before Martin had speculation of somewhat of a reform, but didn’t have the courage to go up against the authoritative Church. Martin and his actions had officially sparked the revolution, and the start of European Reformation. But Martins actions would end up transforming the world indefinitely. SuccessorsRead MoreMartin Luther And The Protestant Reformation1461 Words  | 6 PagesThe Protestant Reformation was the 16th-century religious, political, intellectual and cultural upheaval that disintegrated Catholic Europe, setting in place the structures and beliefs that differ from Catholic Church and in future triggered wars and fights and persecutions. In northern and central Europe, re formers like Martin Luther, Thomas Muntzer, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin and Henry VIII challenged papal authority and questioned the Catholic Church’s practices, such as â€Å"indulgence†and â€Å"enoughRead MoreMartin Luther And The Protestant Reformation1655 Words  | 7 PagesRahul Mangal The Protestant Reformation was a European movement in the 16th century which initially attempted to reform the beliefs and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. Changing attitudes towards the bible influenced the Reformation Movement. Martin Luther and other reformers considered the bible to be the only reliable source of instructions, as opposed to the teachings of the church. Similar to Humanists, Reformers wished to return to the source to analyze and examine the truth. Upon evaluationRead MoreMartin Luther And The Protestant Reformation1541 Words  | 7 PagesSochor Professor Eric Breault Religion 374 21 April 2017 Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Martin Luther was a German professor of Theology during the 13th and 14th century who was a key figure of the Protestant Reformation. In this paper, I will discuss the impact of Martin Luther’s actions from a standpoint of the Catholic Church and its reaction to Martin Luther’s work. To discuss this, I will use some of the works of Martin Luther himself along with sources from authors Paul A. BishopRead MoreMartin Luther And The Protestant Reformation1029 Words  | 5 Pages The Protestant Reformation was a reform movement in the 16th century that was against the Roman Catholic and its way of controlling things. Martin Luther, a reformer along with John Calvin and Henchurches VII. Luther may have had full faith in God, but he also had fear in him and his powers. They questioned the authority of the church and argued over political and religious powers in the hands of the bible. Martin Luther was the starter of it all. Martin Luther was a German monk who decided to startRead MoreMartin Luther and The Protestant Reformation1110 Words  | 4 PagesMartin Luther What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of October 31st? The answer is probably Halloween, correct? October 31st is a significant date, however, this paper will describe how, in 1517, Martin Luther changed the course of religion with his visionary leadership and ethical beliefs. The essay will also discuss how his traits are relevant to me as a leader. Martin Luther was one the most influential people that inspired the Protestant Reformation and impacted Christianity
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Effective Satire in God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater G Essay Example For Students
Effective Satire in God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater G Essay od Bless You Mr. RosewaterEffective Satire in God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater Satire is a technique used in literature to criticize the faults of society. An excellent examle of contemporary satire is Kurt Vonneguts novel God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater. The author tells the life of Eliot Rosewater, a young and affluent man troubled by the plights of the poor. Eliot is the President of the Rosewater Foundation, a sum of money worth approximately $87 million. Using this position, he does everything he can to help the poor. This charity giving is socially unacceptable to the wealthy, particularly Eliots father Senator Lister Ames Rosewater. Vonnegut uses caricature, irony, and tone to satirize the lack of care the rich have for those socially beneath them. Vonnegut satirized the rich by exaggerating prominent features to portraying Senator Rosewater as a snob. He is characterized as heartless, shallow, and mean; seems to care only about his family name and public image. Senator Rosewater has no pity for the poor in his heart, I have spent my life demanding that people blame themselves for their misfortunes. (62) The most evident flaw of Eliots father is how he worries what people will think of him. When Eliot first opens the Rosewater Foundation and gives out money to those in need, Senator leaves him alone to do as he chooses. However, when the young and unlearned lawyer Norman Mushari begins trying to prove Eliot insane and to shift the money to Fred Rosewater, a distant relative in Rhode Island, Senator crusades to prove the opposite. Everyone is asked, even Eliots ex-wife Sylvia DuVrais Zetterling, for proof. Senator Lister Rosewater simply brushes aside Sylvias pain to question her. What did he seem like there in Paris? the Senator wanted to know. Did he seem sane enough to you then?' (64) Senator goes to the small town of Rosewater, Indiana, where Eliot is living and meets with him. Worried by what he sees, Senator plots with attorney Thurmond McAllister to m ake the jury believe Eliot is fit and able. Senator only cares about Eliot when the family name is endangered. Another hideous aspect of the Senators personality is his cruelty towards his son. He disapproves of ...that drunk gypsy I call sonEvery time Im forced to look at him I think to myself, What a staging area for a typhoid epidemic! Dont try to spare my feelings, Sylvia. My son doesnt deserve a decent women. He deserves what hes got, the sniveling camaraderie of whores, malingerers, pimps and thieves. (53) This has no hint of paternal compassion. These attributes of Senator Rosewater are exaggerated to satirize the lack the wealthy feel. Vonnegut ridicules the richs arrogance by using situational irony. Situational irony is when what occurs is the opposite from what is expected. This happens in relevance to how the affluent people perceive their popularity. Rich people think that since they are sophisticated, refined and knowledgeable people must like them. In truth, men an d women of the upper class tend to look down on the others, and believe that they will always be perfect people. Hes got fiber, hes got spine, the Senator said. Hes experimenting. Hell come back to his senses anytime hes good and ready. This family never produced and never will produce a chronic drunk or a chronic lunatic.' (24) Therefore, the lower classes despise the rich, and Eliot tries to explain why to his father: ...its a heartless government that will let one baby be born owning a big piece of land, the way I was born, and another baby born without owning anything. (88) Although Eliot is wealthy and people are happy for the financial aid, it was the compassion he shows for them that made them love him so. Those down trodden men and women did not care that Eliot is, an athlete gone to lard, a big man, six-feet-three, two hundred thirty pounds, pale, balding on all sides of a wispy scalplock. He was swaddled in the elephant wrinkles on war-surplus long underwear. (49) This sloppy appearance embarrassed snobbish Senator Rosewater. It was not money, as the wealthy thought, that made Eliot so popular and loved, but the care and understanding he gave to people a clear example of situational irony. Vonnegut uses tone to complete the picture of the affluents cruelties and how nauseating they exploit their power. The tone, or overall feeling the author is trying to impart, of this novel is disgust. Disgust at how greedy people are, how heartless the rich are, and how cruel humans really can be. Greediness is shown mainly with Norman Musharis interest in the Foundation. He takes advantage of the poverty of Fred Rosewater and tries to exploit this for a personal gain. The story of his Professor Leonard Leech and the good advice that he gave about how the lawyer can often take as much as half the bundle, and still receive the recipients blubbering thanks (9) is abominable and shocks the readers at how one person could be entirely rotten. However, his plan back fires and the money remains within the Indiana side of the family. This minor plot is strung throughout the story to invoke feelings of abhoration towards Mushari. Vonnegut used his syntax to show readers the lack of care and selfishness of the rich. Words such as, depressing when referring to Eliots clothes; a buzzard feast, a buzzard feast talking about the Rhode Island Rosewaters; and the description of what Senator believes Eliots clients are: criminals. All of this contributes to the disguist and disappointment in the ruling and wealthy class the overall tone of this book. All of these ways of satire come together in the last chapter to show that it is possible to have the best of both worlds. Vonnegut uses his novel to criticize the lack of care the rich have for those socially beneath them. They are rude and heartless because they see no benefits in it, no immediate rewards. However, Eliot does. He understands that human beings must be nice and care towards one another. Alt hough he returns to sophistication in the end, he continues with his principles of helping the poor by adapting all of the children of Rosewater. This is the perfect solution to their problem, since now there are heirs to the control of the Rosewater Foundation and all of those down trodden children are provided for. By caricaturing Senator Rosewater, using situational irony to make compassion more popular than money, and describing the mood as disgusting Kurt Vonneguts novel God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater is a complete satire of the lack of emotions the affluent have for the poor. .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7 , .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7 .postImageUrl , .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7 , .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7:hover , .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7:visited , .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7:active { border:0!important; } .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7:active , .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7 .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua1733361ccc2bec3cf389771fec03ee7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Quintessential Rebel Essay
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Marketing on Consumer Loyalty-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignmnt
Question: Discuss about the Impact of relationship marketing on consumer loyalty. Answer: Impact of relationship marketing on consumer loyalty It is seen that with more dominance of LPG (Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization), marketing has more competition than before. The witness is made on the basis of customer-driven marketing, as it is seen that to retain customers many offers are given so that demand can be enhanced effectively. In this paper, the discussion will be made on relationship marketing by taking into consideration the Indian automobile industry. To grow in the market situation it is seen that the sustainable growth in the market helps to attract more customers but also need customer loyalty. The challenge in the recent scenario is not to achieve first position but to ensure the loyalty of the customers. In this article, the research methodology is taken into consideration in which the study undertakes an exploratory research and casual research. The organizations that are successful has common thing and that is the loyalty of the clients. The companies offer trust and commitment to the consumers so that good position can be achieved in the market. Long-term consumers also offer free advertising by being positive about the company for years (Alrubaiee and Al-Nazer, 2010). The automobile industry is one of the key players of the Indian Economy as it plays an important role to develop transportation sector to develop quicker by making an important role of employment chances. The automobile industry develops relations with the vendors so that the quality can be maintained and also the cost of inventory can be reduced (Gaurav, 2016). To understand customers, the automobile organization takes into consideration relationship marketing strategy so that proper information can be evaluated of the products and services in the automobile industry. The proper relationship marketing can be maintained by considering the customer loyalty (Fallon, 2012). Relationship Marketing is the customer base of the company stability which is the major component of the business asset. It is evaluated that transaction marketing has moved from relationship marketing. Relationship marketing does not take into consideration interactions, relationships, and networks. Transaction marketing approach is based on the idea of interchange and on the other hand if relationship marketing is seen it is related to identify and establish the relations with the customers and other stakeholders so that overall activities of the organization can be achieved. Relationship marketing assists the organization to evaluate the consumers. It assists the company to enhance the market share and profitability so that the cost can be minimized. It is seen that the cost to attract the customers is more than six times so loyal customers can be served (Kiyani, Niazi, Rizvi, and Khan, 2012). Marketers are taking into consideration relationship marketing so that the loyal customers can be retained. The loyalty of the customers is central as it will last long to create effective relationship marketing strategies to improve the benefits of the customers. Customer loyalty helps to enhance the experience so that the sales can be enhanced. The customers who are loyal are given a premium price so that the profits of the organization can be improved. The service organization tries to retain customers so that the orders can be repeated. Customer loyalty is the strength that creates a proper relation between the attitudes of the individual. According to Wong and Sohal, the loyalty of the customer is when the purchase is done again and again by the customer and positive attitude is there towards the company. Explanatory research helps to gain proper research area so that customer loyalty can be maintained. Casual design helps to evaluate the impact of relationship marketing on the loyalty of the clients. The research is conducted to collect proper information data. The primary data is collected from the respondents and there are many other articles from information are taken (Rai and Srivastava, 2013). Scale development is the study that is relied on the questionnaire. So, the measurement that is done is that in relation with the transactional marketing, relationship marketing focuses on increasing profitability of the company by giving service to the customers and maintaining a good relationship. Relationship marketing is known as an exit from the traditional transactions behavior so that the customers as partners can be developed (Baglin, 2014). The customer loyalty measurement scale is related to Customer loyalty that is measured through systematic sampling that was described as repeat purchasing frequency and also it identifies the questionnaire. The scale of reliability can be estimated by the overall average of coefficient results. In the research study, the scale of measurement is considered and also suggestions are given by considering the experts. The sampling method that is considered is probability sampling. The method is employed to search the sample of the present study. The first unit sample is considered so that pre-determined pattern can be accessed. To develop sample frame the two-wheelers owners and four-wheelers owners based on Hyderabad. The two-wheeler owner purchased their vehicle at the time of FY 2011 2012. The details in the sample frame are that there is total 3250 vehicle and the number of two-wheeler owner was 2000 and number of four wheeler owner is 1250. It is decided to collect the information o f 650 respondents. The survey was taken place in Hyderabad so that people can be attracted. The sample Size in the range of 20 to 5000 is recommended for conducting quantitative studies. The outcome that is seen is that 100= Poor, 200= Fair, 300= Good, and 500= very good. Data collection is done through a questionnaire. It is seen that the responses are taken from the respondents. The respondents given advised to give the response to many statements. In the first step of data analysis, explanatory factor analysis is conducted to consider correlation coefficient matrix to identify relationship marketing. In the second step, there are multiple regressions that were employed to connect between the relation of marketing and consumer loyalty. In the explanatory analysis, the perfect factor of relationship marketing is identified with the help of software package. There are 4 factors with the name of customer centricity, commitment, trust and communication and reliability is taken out by conducting exploratory factor analysis (Emerson, 2017). By conducting factor analysis it is seen that customer centricity is the essential factor of relationship marketing. 10 out 31 items are related to the aspect of customer centricity dimension of relationship marketing. Customer centricity deals with the greater importance to create good relationship marketing (Gaurav Shainesh, 2017). Customer centricity is not considered as aspirational but it is essential and it advocates designing and delivering the products and services. Commitment is also the factor that has the connection with communication and it shows the fulfillment of the requirements of the customers. Trust is also the dimension of reliability that deals with the customer. Trust is related to the factor of the willingness of the party based on the level of expectations that will help to control the other party (Bedarkar, Pandita, Agarwal Saini, 2016). Communication is also the factor that is important to create relationship effectively and it is extracted from an exploratory analysis. It is seen that 5 out of 31 items that are related to relationship marketing consider this factor so that timely and trustworthy information can be maintained with the customers. Multiple Regression analysis is a technique that is used to evaluate the relationship between the dependent variable. This technique is essential to quantify the overall impact on various influences. In this study, it is seen that it is employed so that proper evaluation can be made to analyze the impact of relationship marketing on customer loyalty. This study gives focus on the loyalty of the customers so that independent variable and factor score can be created. So, by analyzing the article it is concluded that the objective of the study is related to two-fold like to search the relationship marketing and also to evaluate the relationship marketing so that customer loyalty can be considered. With the Exploratory factor analysis, there are factors like customer centricity, commitment, trust and communication that are included. It is also seen that the automobile industry elucidates customer centricity to deal with the customers and also to retain the customers. The management of automobile industry focuses on designing strategies so that customer loyalty can be created and also close relationship that can be made. References Alrubaiee, L., Al-Nazer, N. (2010). Investigate the impact of relationship marketing orientation on customer loyalty: The customer's perspective.International Journal of Marketing Studies,2(1), 155. Baglin, J. (2014). Improving your exploratory factor analysis for ordinal data: A demonstration using FACTOR.Practical Assessment, Research Evaluation,19(5),1- 11. Bedarkar, M., Pandita, D., Agarwal, R., Saini, R. (2016). Examining the impact of organizational culture on customer centricity in organizations: An analysis.Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management,9(2), 19-28. Emerson, R. W. (2017). Exploratory Factor Analysis.Journal of Visual Impairment Blindness (Online),111(3), 301. Fallon, M (2012). Like to Loyalty: A study on whether or not social media promotions lead to a lifetime of consumer brand loyalty.UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research, 1-10. Gaurav, K. (2016). Impact of relationship marketing on customer loyalty: Evidence from Indian automobile industry.Purushartha: A Journal of Management Ethics and Spirituality,9(1). Gaurav, R., Shainesh, G. (2017). The Changing Face of Customer Centricity. InThe Palgrave Handbook of Managing Continuous Business Transformation, 175-187). Palgrave Macmillan, London. Kiyani, T. M., Niazi, M. R., NIAZI, R. (2012). The relationship between brand trust, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty (evidence from automobile sector of Pakistan), 2(1), 155-174. Rai, A., and Srivastava, M. (2013). The antecedents of customer loyalty: an empirical investigati on in life insurance context. Journal of Competitiveness, 5(2), 139-163 Sparrow, P., Hird, M., Cooper, C. L. (2015). Customer Centricity and People Management. InDo We Need HR?, 54-85. Palgrave Macmillan, London. XV, 1-10.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
English 106 4 December 1996 Hamlet Analyzed In Terms Of Aristotles Poe
English 106 4 December 1996 Hamlet Analyzed in Terms of Aristotle's Poetics Aristotle's Poetics is considered the guide to a well written tragedy; his methods have been used for centuries. In Aristotle's opinion, plot is the most important aspect of the tragedy, all other parts such as character, diction, and thought stem from the plot. Aristotle defines a tragedy as an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; in the form of action, not of narrative; through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation of these emotions?(p. 22). Shakespeare's Hamlet follows this definition for the most part, and even though it is not always in agreement with Aristotle's guidelines, it is still a great and effective tragedy. Aristotle states that tragedy is ?an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude?(p. 22) . Hamlet is an excellent example of this. The play centers around Hamlet's quest to avenge his father's death, this is a serious action. It is also complete in the sense that all the loose ends are tied together in a sensible, believable manner. Hamlet is able to avenge his father's death by killing his uncle. Shakespeare also follows Aristotle's idea of the tragedy being of a certain magnitude. The characters are supposed to be the most perfect people whom the audience can still relate to. Hamlet is a wealthy prince, however he deals with the same problems as the common man. He is confused, paranoid, and angered about the circumstances surrounding his father's death. He is also unsure of himself and how he should handle the situation. The audience can relate to this uncertain feeling and they are able to empathize with Hamlet. Aristotle believes that in order for a tragedy to be effective, it must convey pity and fear. He defines pity as a felling that is aroused by ?unmerited misf ortune? (p. 27). Hamlet undoubtedly suffers this unmerited misfortune. He has done nothing to bring about his father's death. To make the situation even more painful, his mother has married his uncle whom he suspects is responsible for the tragedy. These circumstances illicit pity from the audience. The fear of impending evil is also prevalent in the play. As the plot progresses, it becomes clear that the king is plotting to kill Hamlet and Hamlet is planning to kill the king. Hamlet's plot is what Aristotle considers complex. It is accompanied by Recognition, which is ?a change from ignorance to knowledge, producing love or hate between the persons destined by the poet for good or bad fortune?(p. 26). The Recognition occurs when the play within the play is staged for the king. The play is a reenactment of what Hamlet believes happened to his father. His uncle is so upset and flustered by the play that he runs from the room. This action indicates to Hamlet that his suspicions were correct and his uncle is indeed responsible for King Hamlet's death. Hamlet later finds the king in a church praying and is tempted to kill him there, but decides against it because he will go to heaven since he is praying. From this, the audience is able to infer that Hamlet will attempt to kill his uncle later in the play. Aristotle stresses that diction is important to make the tragedy believable. Shakespeare utilizes diction perfectly and everything his characters say is appropriate for them to be saying. For instance, the king speaks like a king, he always dodges like a true politician. There is an obvious and necessary difference between the way he speaks and the way the gravediggers speak. The gravediggers are common men and therefor, speak as thought they are common men. There are some aspects of Poetics that Shakespeare does not follow. For instance, Aristotle states that in a great tragedy, there should be unity of time, place, and action. By this he means the action of th e play should take place in the amount of time it takes to perform it, it should occur in one setting, and there should be one
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Clone essays
Clone essays The biological definition of a clone is an organism that has the same genetic information as another organism or organisms, where else cloning is any process in which production of a clone is successful. These are facts that many people don't want them to become a reality within our humanity. On the other hand, other people support and want produce human clones. Who's right? Should we not let science advance freely? Should we take the power of God and mess around with it? Cloning is a big issue these days; the opinion of our community comes into conflict when debating this serious issue. Amazingly, the first attempts at artificial cloning were as early as the beginning of this century. Adolph Eduard Driesch allowed the eggs of a sea urchin develop into the two-blastomere stage. Then he separated it by shaking it in a flask and allowing them to grow. The cells developed into dwarf sea urchins. Driesch could not explain his experiments and gave up embryology for philosophy (McKinnel, 1979). The first implantation of a nucleus into an egg cell occurred in 1952 by Robert Briggs and Thomas J. King in Philadelphia. They had transferred the nuclei of Leopard Frogs' eggs (McKinnel, 1979). The egg cells did not develop. Successful cloning of embryo cells was accomplished later in the 1970's by Dr. John Gurdon. During the late seventies and early eighties, there were few scientists still studying cloning. Many had predicted that it was impossible to clone embryonic mammal cells. Few continued with research. Many gave up and went into other fields. However, some persisted and were rewarded for their efforts. In 1984, Dr. Steene Willadsen announced that he had successfully transferred nuclei from embryos of sheep to produce clones (Kolata, 1997). More exciting was when Dr. Neal First produced cows by nuclear transfer from more developed embryos in 1994 (Kolata, 3 June 1997). Dr. First produced four calves. Two years later, Dr. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Position paper base on a recent issue related to the constitution and Research
Position base on a recent issue related to the constitution and the executive branch - Research Paper Example d effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized†(Dahl, 2003). It is all about privacy in the search and seizure provisions of the 4th amendment. The amendment simply provides protection against searches and seizures in criminal investigations by federal or state law enforcers that are unreasonable in nature. Any evidence obtained in a criminal investigation case in the course of search for seizure is unlawful if it cannot be of use at the court trial of the individual from whom the evidence was confiscated (Billias, 2009). In the Fourth Amendment, for an arrest or search to take place, the warrant must be approved judicially. Basically, searches must plainly be reasonable and the warrant necessity ought to have been clearly stressed and pointed out. The Fourth Amendment is only applicable to governmental searches and seizures in criminal investigations but not to the ones done by private establishments or nationals who are not acting on behalf of a government. I am in support of the Fourth Amendment due to a number of reasons. Firstly, the amendment is beneficial to citizens because it offers them protection against governmental actions that are unreasonable in nature (Harper, 2007). For instance, particular guidelines have to be met in the issuance of a warrant for it to be considered legal and must be strictly complied to protect the citizen and the law enforcer. Those who framed the constitution saw that intrusions by governmental agencies in cases involving criminal investigation encroached on the rights of the public. In previous times, it was common for officials to harass average citizens who had no means of preventing searches and seizures that were unwarranted. The 4th Amendment is of great importance as it constitutes legal representation of
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